10 Security Tips As We Approach The Ember Months


Your phone could be missing, your ATM bank card can be missing, your WhatsApp and Facebook or email accounts could be hacked. Once this happens both you and your contacts are at risk. So a few security tips could be observed to prevent further damages to everyone.

1 Don’t just password your phone. Password your SIM CARD. Every phone has an option for Sim lock. Once you password your SIM no one can use your phone or access any of your personal details like NIN, BVN, etc.

2, Enable 2FA authentication on your social media accounts and OTP for ussd transactions and banking apps if you are not using a token for transactions.

3) If a friend or relative sends you a chat on WhatsApp or facebook or any social media soliciting financial assistance, don’t just send the money simply because you recognise the number or the person chatting you. Call the person using normal calls, do a video call,.make sure you speak with the person to get more details why he or she is making such a request. The person isn’t going to kill you for calling to confirm and be sure before sending your money.

If someone tells you to send them a code that will be sent to your phone for whatsoever please don’t send anything code.
No bank will ask you for your ATM card number or PIN or OTP

4) Always delete all bank transactions (alerts) from your phone and emails. There is no need to keep alerts either credit or debit. Money is meant to be spent and once you have earned or spent it, delete the alerts.

5) Don’t save sensitive information on your phone like your password, NIN, BVN..Don’t use the date of birth as your password or Pin.

6) If possible don’t use the same phone you use for your banking transactions for your social media. Torchlight phones are not easily stolen. Use them for your bank alerts, USSD, and other financial transactions.

7) Be careful with what you say in public. don’t make calls that have to do with financial transactions in public places, you don’t know who is listening. You didn’t come to Lagos to impress anyone with your success.

8) Be discipline and have self control while dealing with others. God resist the proud be give grace to the humble.

9) Don’t post your best moments, successes, your family, vacations and all the goodies on social media. Not everyone is happy with your success. if you must share your moments, share directly with only those that you want them to celebrate with you.

10) Watch, pray and be security conscious.

Conclusion: There is hunger everywhere and some people can do just anything to survive. Don’t be a victim. Your success or carelessness will not land you in trouble. Amen.