Tolani Baj Talks Fight With Ilebaye, Cee C


Evicted Big Brother Naija housemate Tolani Baj is finally ready to talk. After avoiding doing interviews after the show, the controversial housemate has now taken to her own Youtube channel to talk about her experience on the show, why she didn’t do interviews after the show, and her fight with Cee C and Ilebaye. Here’s what Tolani Baj had to say.

Speaking about why she decided to not grant any interviews after the show, Tolani Baj said:

TOLANI BAJ: I decided to drop the video on my channel because I haven’t granted any post-eviction interviews. I didn’t feel the need to grant anybody access to me. I wanted to be selfish with my time. I did not want to wake up early for nobody. I did not want to put on makeup for one week straight. I’m also seeing a narrative out there that “Tolani baj is embarrassed, that’s why she’s not doing interviews”. You wish! That thing is even smelly to my ears. It’s really flattering that a lot of y’all are using Tolani Baj’s name to chase clout. I have seen lies here and there. Ah ah. Just a lot of non-factors trying to hop on the ‘hate TBaj train’. I don’t like explaining myself. Maybe that always works against me, I don’t know. Whatever narrative is out there, whatever you choose to believe, that’s on you. I really don’t care.

Speaking about her experiencing on the show, Tolani Baj said:

TOLANI BAJ: My experience on the show was amazing. I honestly had the best time ever compared to the Lockdown season. I just lived life really. Didn’t really think of the outside really until I started getting tired in week 4. The housemates this season, I liked them a lot. I liked a lot of housemates. I just wish that production showed my relationship with all the other housemates. Like, if not even all, like majority. I was just neutral, like water, cool with everybody. When people wanted to do voluntary exit, was it not my shoulder they were crying on? I was the one even crying with them.

Speaking about her fight with Cee C and Ilebaye, Tolani Baj said:

TOLANI BAJ: At the time, how I handled those situations made a lot of sense to me. It made sense to me! If I could do things differently, rather than exploding, I would have a conversation with them. That is one thing I can say I would do differently. I have noticed that one of my toxic traits is bottling things up, and then it gets to a point that I say “fuck it!” and just explode. I could say that was my fault – just exploding rather than having a conversation. I would have done that differently.

What do you think about what Tolani Baj said?